Would you please assist our Haven of Mercy Area Catholic Community with the following prayer intentions:
That the pastors of the Church may continue to preach the word of revelation and nourish us with sound doctrine.
That revelation of the Light of the nations may bring justice and peace to all nations.
That each one of us will be open to God’s call and prayerfully consider how to support diocesan ministries and meet the needs of our faith community through the 2025 Bishop’s Annual Appeal.
Just as Simeon was attuned to the presence of the Lord, help us to engage in active listening to allow those we encounter to know the presence of the Lord through our presence.
That those who are sick and dying may see God’s salvation.
That our dead may go forth into God’s peace and rejoice forever with Mary and all the saints.
I want to thank you for your prayers!
Sincerely, ~Fr. Ben
Intentions of the Holy Father
For the right to an education Let us pray for migrants, refugees, and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a better world, might always be respected.